

Горный пейзаж Mountain landscape, oil on canvas, 60x70 2 24.06.2024 24.06.2024

Spruce trees climb the rock in a mess there are either flat platforms or rounded stones that seem impossible for a person to climb.

The grandiose rock with is very similar in shape to the fortress wall ( that"s why it was called that way), narrow and high with teeth at the top, steep edges almost along the entire length, and multiple cracks resembling masonry.

Chinese sages say that the image of mountains helps to concentrate the energy of the house in the right direction. By hanging a picture of mountain landscapes, you will thereby attract career growth, confidence, and stability, as well as provide yourself with the unbreakable support of the five elements of the Universe.

The mountains inspire me, and their shades bring with them a sense of warmth and comfort.

My paintings are born like children.

The process of creating any work is not fast and occurs in stages.

At first, I am inspired by the plot and it begins...

I paint, lay shadows, write the general color background with spots, then detail, work with the light of the picture...

From 5 to 10 sessions, each of which can take from 3 to 4 hours.

Step by step, painting is born, and no photo or video conveys color nuances and the play of shadow and light.

The most joyful moment for me is when I put my signature on the picture and dress it up in a baguette.

That"s not all!

After the oil has completely dried, the picture must be varnished and the paints begin to show themselves juicier.