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saryshev – Автопортрет
Creative Union of artists of Russia
International Federation of Artists
Sochi organization
Vice-president for exhibition and publishing work.
On July 15, 1984,
artist and patron.
Lives and works in Sochi.
Creative life began in 5 years in mother’s workshop.
The first personal exhibition took place with the sculpture made during the summer is shown to all yard and given away to friends.
2003 Ivetta graduated from art college in Kishinev, office of a sculpture.
2000 At own expense organized groups on training of children in drawing.
2000-2005 Participation in city opening days and six personal projects, the first of them in 16 years when the original author’s equipment of modular ornamentation was born.
2000-2008 The initiator and the curator of nurseries and junior exhibitions across Stavropol region.
2000 Rostov-on-Don, graphics exhibition.
2001 on 2006 Stavropol (A regional exhibition of national creativity).
2001 Tiraspol. Water color exhibition.
2001 Kishinev. An exhibition in Gallery of arts.
2003 Odessa. An exhibition to the City Day.
2004 Stavropol. Cartoon and Caricature exhibition.
Joint exhibitions (Natalya Lenskaya and Nikolay Orlov) in galleries of Stavropol Territory and Museum of local lore.
2014 Joint photo exhibition in Anti-cafe, Nevinnomyssk.
2015 Art gallery ”Dacha”, the exhibition ”Emerald summer of my dreams”.
2015 An opening day in park Sokolniki.
2015 Moscow, a personal exhibition of modular graphics within updating of ”ZDES” Art cafe (ex.”Blur”, ”Molinari”).
2015 October, ”Arth - the Intercosmos the XXI century”, exhibition within the sixth international art festival ”CONSTELLATION VISIONS” and the world week of Space - 2015 House of Astronauts, the Star city.
2015 December-January, The ”ART INTERCOSMOS XXI century” exhibition within the sixth international art festival ”CONSTELLATION VISIONS”, the Central House of journalists, Moscow.
2015 December-January. The ”FROM DREAM BEFORE START” exhibition, the project ”CONSTELLATION VISIONS” and Fund of Serebrov, Central Exhibition Hall ”Manege”, Moscow.
2015 December-January, the Christmas exhibition ”Art Fir-tree 2016”, the Central House of Artists, on December 22 - on January 18, 2016, Moscow.
https://web.facebook.com/profile.php? id=100009475609723
2015 December-January, A New Year’s exhibition in MOST Art Gallery, Khimki.
2016 January - April, ”And it everything about them”, showroom ”VARSHAVKA”, museum association of Moscow.
2016 Mart, ”Caro Vegas 22” (Krocus Gr.), Moscow, an exhibition of modern graphic artists within a film festival of extremely topical cinema.
2016 April, ”Time forward!”, showroom Tushino, Moscow.
2016 April, Personal exhibition ”STREAM of THOUGHTS”, Sochi, Art Cafe Park. Seaport.
2016 April-May, ”Art Portrait Festival”, Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2016 April, the Exhibition to 55 flights of the person in space, the Cinema House.
2016 April, the Exhibition by Day of astronautics, Cosmonaut Training Center, the Star city.
2016 April-May, the Exhibition to Mikhail Bulgakov’s 125 anniversary, ”Bulgakov Moscow”, showroom Tushino.
2016 Mai, Exhibition to Mikhail Bulgakov’s 125 anniversary, ”Dialogue of two artists”, Moscow, Bulgakov’s House,
work is in fund of the museum.
2016 Mai, Personal exhibition ”Moon Voice”, ”ЦУМИ”, Sochi.
2016 April-May, ”Art Portrait Festival”, Central House of Artists. A victory in the nomination.
2016 May - June, the Book and illustrative exhibition ”Manuscripts don’t burn”. Mikhail Bulgakov. 125 years
since birth (on May 15, 1891)” from Russian State Library funds with participation of illustrations of Ivetta Ki.
work is in fund of the museum.
2016 June, ”Week of Arts in Great Britain”, London. The first place in the category ”Classical Graphics”, the nomination ”Portrait” and the categories ”Experimental schedule”, the nomination ”Thematic Composition”.
2016 July, Personal exhibition ” Art SOLYANKA”, Sochi, Art Cafe Park. Seaport.
2016 July, ”Vladimir Vysotsky. Not interrupted flight”, an exhibition in Vysotsky’s House museum.
work is in fund of the museum.
2016 August-September. All-Russian art exhibition competition ”Life Tree”, Sochi art museum.
2016 September. Author’s project ”MUSICALLY-the POETIC VIDEOART-THEATRE of FEDERICO FELLINI”, FORT Art gallery, Sochi.
2016 September. Author’s project ”POSSIBILITIES of the SIMPLE PENCIL”, Art Cafe Park. Seaport, Sochi.
2016 December, the Author’s project in art club” ADRENALINE” (Sochi, Black Sea, 15).
2017 яварь, Christmas fair, Shopping Center Metropolis, Leningradskoye Highway 16a, p. 4.
2017 January, the Author’s project at MEDORA restaurant, Gornaya Karusel St., 7, Esto-Sadok, Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi
2017 February-April, ARTINTERKOSMOS-XXI Exhibition Creative association ”CONSTELLATION VISIONS”, museum of Astronautics.
2017 Mart, Exhibition ”Constellation of Images”, Central House of the Journalist, Moscow
2017 on March 31 - on April 25, an exhibition of Fund of the astronaut Serebrov” DREAM OF SPACE”, the Central showroom” MANEJ”, Moscow.
2017 on June 1 - 14, the personal exhibition devoted to creativity M. A. Bulgakova, the Museum Bulgakov’s Theatre, B. Garden, 10, Moscow
Ivetta likes to give to people pleasure and dreams...
The Exposition of the artist Ivetta Ki works until the end of summer in State Vysotsky’s Center museum
”Vysotskgo’s house on Taganka”, on Vysotsky St., house 3, (m Tagansky, Ring).
Today Ivetta Ki has 21 personal exhibitions and a lot of the realized projects.
Author’s project of the artist Ivetta Ki (Sochi)
All portraits are executed in special original equipment of the ”modular ornamentation” developed by the artist nearly two decades ago. Known best photos are taken as a basis that however doesn’t cancel ”author’s reading the” of an image opening the brightest personal traits of character of researchers of a space.
The project realized by the Art merger ”CONSTELLATION VISIONS” of the Creative union of professional artists together with the House of Astronauts of the Star city (the director Krivonosov A.V.), assumes gradual creation of portraits of all space pilots of the USSR - the Russian Federation with the subsequent possible transfer of separate works to funds of the domestic and international museums of astronautics.
In particular, on April 7, 2016 one of such portraits was presented by the head Creative Association ”CONSTELLATION VISIONS” to Yaroshevsky D. V. to the glorified space pilot, the first person who left in an outer space, twice to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=1597861743871839
The organization of excursions for exhibitions of the gifted artist in Moscow,
record on Ivetta Ki’s master classes to Sochi and questions in acquisition of works:
+ 7 916 940 6400
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已上传: 25.12.2015
专辑: Иветта Ки. Графика
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