

The Abyss 数字艺术 5 / 23 0

The Abyss ~ nadin15


nadin15 – The Abyss
Mixed 2017. a fragment from ”The Star of Wishes” the abyss of Universe. I looked back and saw the Destiny. She held the three deadly stars in her hands...”Forgive me Edward…I lost the all my power…I can`t stop the darkness anymore…We lost…We`re falling to abyss...The love betrayed us…the God has left us…the darkness was too strong…it was too late…forgive me…”…sadly said the Destiny, and became by Monument of Liberty. I was looking at the sky and saw the bloody tears from heaven…

文件: 8280×4701 px (378 Kb)
已上传: 14.12.2017
专辑: Cyberspace. Nature theme

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