• dalldin

    Я Диана Даллакян из Армении художник ДаллДин

    I was born on August 4, 1998I studied at the secondary school named after Vahan Tekeyan, I participated in the painting competition organized by the Third President, my painting won the 3rd place in the Republic.I continued my studies at Vanadzor State University in the Art Department, I participated in exhibitions organized by the city and the university.and at Plein 2020 painting festival in Chambarak villageIn 2021, I participated in an exhibition with my pictures in Astrakhan, as well as charity exhibit… ❯❯❯

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  • dalldin



  • dalldin

    Художник Диана Даллакян ДаллДин

    Я Диана Даллакян из Армении художник ДаллДин
    Напишите компании Diana Dallakyan в WhatsApp. https://wa.me/37494305450

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