Today I saw here on the page of some lady, referring to the famous writer, that inspiration happens just sometimes, and the artist must catch these moments in order to use them successfully. I disagree, the artist is always in the process of creation, absolutely always. The first Biblical artist Bezalel, was given talent by G-d, just limited him – that exactly he should not be depicted. And now the epithet for this is the Spark of G-d which means it cannot go out, same as soul.
It is! the best manifestation in the artist is God and he gives us freedom of choice and good taste, but it is very important to understand everything....
For example, the Tower of Babel was built without His consent, but in the opposite way, in order to reach His heights. This is completely contrary to His statute for people. But He Himself gave Bitzalel the talent and understanding of how to do beautifully (and to create "like Him"). And now sometimes there are artists with absolute taste in their art, although this does not always apply to other aspects of his life. If you study the Bible carefully, it is possible to discover a lot, more than is visible after the first reading, but of course a person cannot understand the entire volume of information, this is the punishment for the "apple".
WHOLE – exists only due to the existence of opposites, and opposites exist due to the existence of the whole, that is, due to each other. Therefore, there can be no struggle and denial between them in principle.
Probably yes, the significance of any event is evaluated relative to other events. If every musician could create the "Moonlight Sonata" and every artist "Guernica", this doctrine of materialistic dialectics would lose its meaning. Loud is loud relatively quiet, and can be grateful to the quiet for the fact that it is and makes it possible to evaluate its own loudness
评论: 80 Ответы
Прекрасная работа, живой образ! В портрете чувствуется подвижность в чертах лица и в волосах на ветру!![](
Живой, целеустремлённый взгляд!!!
Хороший образ! Замечательный портрет!![](
Превосходный образ, отличная, как всегда работа![](
Мужественный, честный образ, такому можно верить. Портрет классный, впечатляющий!![](
хороший образ!
главное, что бы цель была!
Хороший образ!![](
Ингвар, прекрасный образ!!!![](
Класс! Отличная работа!![](
Очень красиво! Мужчина мечты!
Отлично! Мужественный образ! Взгляд наполнен вдохновением!![](
Отличная работа, живой и вдохновенный образ! 👍
Звездный салют портретной живописи с присутствием романтических штрихов!!!![](
Устремленный взгляд![](
Открытое лицо, без страха и упрека.![](
Прекрасный портрет.
Живой образ. отлично!
Целеустремлённо и мужественно, прекрасный свет и колорит.
Красивый портрет. В нем и монументальность и романтичность. Сочные цветовые отношения, сияющие.
Красивый, честный, сильный, вдохновенный, как и все Ваши герои, Ингвар!
Взгляд в будущее!
Интересный мужчина!![](
интересный образ!
Брэд Питт, узнал!![](
Крепкий портрет!![](
Взгляд притягательный..![](
Красивый образ сильно, доброго и благородного мужчины.![](
Здорово. Узнаваемо! Браво!![](
Отличный портрет, цепляет!![](
Super! 🏆
интересно исполнено, характер и настроение!!!
The emotional condition is depicted successfully!
Thank you! It looks better in the original, pity the photo does not convey reliably...
Of course, digital photo edits the image, but less hassle than a slide film.
Yes, you need to be an artist in everything!
Today I saw here on the page of some lady, referring to the famous writer, that inspiration happens just sometimes, and the artist must catch these moments in order to use them successfully. I disagree, the artist is always in the process of creation, absolutely always. The first Biblical artist Bezalel, was given talent by G-d, just limited him – that exactly he should not be depicted. And now the epithet for this is the Spark of G-d which means it cannot go out, same as soul.
It is! the best manifestation in the artist is God and he gives us freedom of choice and good taste, but it is very important to understand everything....
For example, the Tower of Babel was built without His consent, but in the opposite way, in order to reach His heights. This is completely contrary to His statute for people. But He Himself gave Bitzalel the talent and understanding of how to do beautifully (and to create "like Him"). And now sometimes there are artists with absolute taste in their art, although this does not always apply to other aspects of his life. If you study the Bible carefully, it is possible to discover a lot, more than is visible after the first reading, but of course a person cannot understand the entire volume of information, this is the punishment for the "apple".
WHOLE – exists only due to the existence of opposites, and opposites exist due to the existence of the whole, that is, due to each other. Therefore, there can be no struggle and denial between them in principle.
Probably yes, the significance of any event is evaluated relative to other events. If every musician could create the "Moonlight Sonata" and every artist "Guernica", this doctrine of materialistic dialectics would lose its meaning. Loud is loud relatively quiet, and can be grateful to the quiet for the fact that it is and makes it possible to evaluate its own loudness
Golden words are expensive!![](
Прекрасный портрет!
Очень красиво!!!
Красавчик класса люкс, и актёр отличный!!! Ваш портрет подчёркивает.... ))
Очень нравится 👍👍👍
Ингвар, Вы Брэду явно польстили: в облаках, да с пылающим взглядом. Артисту верить нельзя
! Жизнь его сплошной театр. Крутой портрет![](