I was born on 21 of May in 1958 in Ukraine. My parents immigrated to Estonia when I was approximately twelve years old. My father was an artist, and I received my first drawing lessons in his studio. In 1976 I graduated from art school in Estonia. There I exhibited my first artworks. In 1989 my family and I immigrated to USA. During my fifteen years here I’ve seen that the American artistic cycle is full of impressions and events. In Sacramento, California I continued to study painting in college, as well as photography, computer graphics, and learned how to stay alive amongst strong competition.
Художник с нуля. Теория и практика.
Даю ссылку на две главы из еще не законченной книги, которые я опубликовал на своем сайте. Может быть кому-то пригодятся мои мысли на эту тему. http://russartschool.blogspot.com/